Saturday, 21 January 2012

bill moyers

  • Question:-what makes the bill moyers show different from others?
    how is the bill moyers show different from others what makes it so controversial?

    Answer:-You may get more answers if if you post this in the correct section of Yahoo Answers.
  • Question:-bill moyers?
    You need to check this guy out. He uses out takes that only make his case. That's what he says the rightwing does??? Isn't that the same thing.

    Answer:-not even close...first off, he does one thing the neocons at 'faux news' would never do...give the 'other side' a chance to give their take on the issue, although as usual, when the spotlight is shining, cockroaches scurry under the baseboards and they ran and hid (kind of like what neocons do when there's a war going on)
    secondly, he AVOIDS doing something that the folks at 'faux news' seem to be honor-bound to do consistently...make up 'facts' to support their argument
  • Question:-How do you feel about Bill Moyers?
    Anyone catch Bill Moyers interviewing Jon Stewart, then Josh Marshall (of the Talking Points Memo blog, among others)?

    Just trying to get a hit of whether people are familiar with Moyers, and, if so, whether you're fans.

    You can probably watch it via this series of tubes we're on, by going to and hunting around a bit, if you're interested.

    You're sending me to ANN COULTER?

    That bastion of journalistic integrity and reason?


    She wouldn't know the truth if it bit her nose off. She just makes stuff up, you know.

    What I've heard him say was he wanted to do some writing for a while. I haven't heard him say why he decided to come back with his Journal.

    Tin foil? Hardly.

    But then someone who believes every statement of one of the biggest wack-jobs on the planet wouldn't listen to reason.

    I'll read it.
    Yeah, Moyers said Condi and the rest of the administration lied -- they kept saying Hussein was responsible for 9/11 -- not true -- and babbling about mushroom coulds, though the inspectors were finding dust and cobwebs.

    This just in, he DIDN'T have an active WMD program.

    Uh, taking away the right to an abortion IS controlling women's live, rather than allowing them to make their decisions for them.

    He said nothing about slave labor camps. Those are Ms. Nut-Case's words.

    Well, I was going to take it point by point, but I haven't the time (and it's bad for my bloodpressure).

    If Ann's planet ever comes in proximity to Earth, do let me know.

    She keeps accusing HIM of insanity, for saying true things.

    When she isn't just making up bat-sh*t-crazy stuff.

    Answer:-Moyers said that his critics were the ones behind the bin Laden-like attack on Iraq in order "to make sure Ahmed Chalabi winds up controlling Iraq's oil." (And that's why gasoline is so cheap!) Yep, it's all right there on the Project for a New American Century's agenda: (1) invade Iraq, (2) somehow get Bill Moyers' PBS show canceled, (3) invade Syria, (4) invade Iran...

    According to Moyers, the reason these right-wing radicals focused on him despite the fan mail he gets — to say nothing of favorable write-ups in the mainstream media — is that he "didn't play by the conventional rules of Beltway journalism." (That and the giant piece of tinfoil on his head.)
  • Question:-Is the Rev Wright interview with Bill Moyers going to hurt Obama more?
    Rev Wright said "he (Obama) says what he has to say as a politician". That sounds like Wright is accusing Obama of not being truthful, that Obama is just another duplicitous politician. Oops, but Obama is supposed to be something different than politics as ususal. Rev Wright's message was that Obama, as a private individual, shares his hateful views but Obama had to denounce them because he is a politician.

    Answer:-As an outsider I say you need to get your head out of the nether reaches of your bodies, and ask yourselves if Wright is correct in your words ""he (Obama) says what he has to say as a politician". "

    I say yes.
  • Question:-What do you think of the show, Bill Moyers Journal?
    I truly admire the way he gets to the truth and exposes hypocrisy, regardless of partisan politics. Sadly, there are no people like him in our government.

    Answer:-I am going to miss his reporting very soon!

    If you are a fan then you know he is about to retire from PBS.

    This man understands what a true direct daily Democracy could do for the American citizen. He knows we the people deserve full legislative power over money/business/govt!
    Ridding ourselves once & forever of corrupt representative govt.

    Mr Moyers gets to the truth because he is probably one of the most honest people in journalism you can find in American news networks. Bill is 100% himself not under control or spreading spin & propaganda for profits, like so many others are!
  • Question:-Did you see the new Bill Moyers show?
    What do you think? Just secular progessive propaganda, like Bill O'Reilly says? Or is it pretty close to the truth?

    Answer:-Watching it right now. I respect Bill Moyers immensely. O'Really? Don't even get me started...
  • Question:-Has anyone seen the PBS series "On Our Own Terms" hosted by Bill Moyers?
    I would like to use this series as a discussion group on aging and ultimately dying at my United Methodist church in an informal adult setting. I have heard that Moyers was very liberal. I am unfamiliar with this. Any input opinions? Does Moyers "host" the show, narrate it, or a mixture? What about PBS? I have also heard that PBS is hyper-critical of our government, any help on Moyers, PBS or the series, especially the series would be greatly appreciated.
    PBS is just about all I watch. I had never noticed a "slant" as well, but was told they had one. I am both shrugging at the comment and wondering.

    Answer:-He has total control of his show. PBS is an oasis is a desert of mediocre television. I watch it because it broadcasts British TV shows regularly and have never seen anything slanted politically.

    I found this with google:
    Who Watches PBS?
    The audience and supporters of Public Television (PBS), are an affluent demographic, made up of community leaders, business decision makers and upscale consumers:

    87.7% have a household income of $50,000+
    13.2% have a household income of more than $100,000
    63% of PBS’ audience surf the internet
  • Question:-What if Andrew Stern, Bill Moyers and The Rathke Brothers got nose jobs?
    Would they be happier in life and less angry and mean?
    Really all these guys look alike- they could all be brothers?

  • Question:-Have you watched Bill Moyers interview of Jeramiah Wright: Has it changed your mind about him at all?
    He seems to me anything but the devisive, hate-filled racist that the media has portrayed him as.

    Answer:-I agree with you there, I think this has just been the media's ploy to use that against Barrack Obama. I watched some last night, and I have to say, that some of what he said I agreed with. I just think that he didn't say it in the best way. I mean when you think about it what Wright was saying in essence is that America has done some terrible things in the past that it will eventually pay for. I don't think he was being anti American. He was just saying that you can't do wrong and expect not to have consequences for it. The bottom line is that the media used what Wright said, exploited it to make Obama look bad, when in reality what Wright was saying was correct, I just didn't agree with how it was said.
  • Question:-Bill Moyers is the ONLY trustworthy, able journalist in the USA, disagree, agree, dunno?
    Bill Moyers is the last great hope for me. i would even draft him for President but he would never accept. Read his bio and know what the crackpot jerks like Woffie Blitzer wannabee.

    Answer:-If you're watching Bill Moyers' Journal on PBS right now, you'll see a prime example of Moyers' trustworthiness, balance, fairness and unbiased journalism. I am in complete agreement with you: Bill Moyers is one of the last stalwarts of American decency and honor.

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