Tuesday, 17 January 2012

being human

  • Question:-How can a human being make sure that they have enough Amino acids in their cytoplasm ?
    How can a human being make sure that they have enough Amino acids in their cytoplasm to build all of the proteins their body needs???

  • Question:-Atheists, would you eat another human being if there was no other source of food available?
    I have just finished watching a movie called 'Alive'. It's about people who survive a plane crash in Alaska, but have to start eating each other when other food sources run out. Personally I don't believe God would approve so I wouldn't do it. I'd rather die and go to Heaven instead.

    Atheists, would you eat another human being if there was no other source of food available?

  • Question:-What "life test" do you believe is the most difficult a human being could endure?
    Pls. encourage me with your "life tests" that you've overcome... if possible.

    Free Spirit, Jysn_Kay, BobbyChe... I agree with all of you. I am putting this question up for a vote. I can't decide. Thank you for sharing and taking the time to answer my question. They are an encouragement for me.

  • Question:-Can anyone tell me in detail what happend on Being Human?
    US version please. I missed Premiere. Best answer will have most detail

  • Question:-Question about Being Human US/UK (Adam?)?
    Question about Being Human US/UK (Adam?)?
    So i'm watching the marathon right now on syfy.
    and does anyone know if Adam, the vampire from the UK version, will
    be in the US version? he probably will have a different name ofcourse etc.
    but basically the same story line. does anyone know if he will be in the next series?
    I really liked the whole backstory and idea of Adam, and loved his spin off becoming human(:
    so I just wonder if his doppleganger shall we say, will be in the US version :)
    ( spoiler)
    is Aiden(Mitchell) going to die ln the being human US version, like mitchel did in the UK version?
    I hope not ): and George left, and so did nina. so UGH DX I hope that doesn't happen either.
    so any juicy dets would help :)

  • Question:-Being Human?
    Are humans the only ones that: think, have emotions, feel pain, love, are concious, know what death is? If so, then why do animals behave as if they do have these attributes (they don't like getting mauled/hunted, and have very similar behavior to us, just suited to their specific species)?

    Answer:-No single, essential difference separates human beings from animals.
  • Question:-Being human ___________?
    ...fill in the blank.

    Answer:-Being human is super doodly uper.
  • Question:-What is the maximum height a human can fall without being injured?
    What is the maximum height a human can fall without being injured?

    Answer:-Depends on what shape you are in and how much you weigh.
  • Question:-How old is the oldest human being found?
    Not an "ancestor" to modern day humans like a monkey that resembles a human, but an actual human being like today's version.
    You mean 40,000 years old.

    Answer:-Rock art in Australia 40,oooyrs old, cave paintings in France 26,oooyrs old, Modern human shaped bones/ skulls/ complex tools found in South AFRICA 100-120,000YRS OLD. mICROCONDRIA DNA VARIANTS/ mutations traced back to a common African Ancestor about 200,000yrs ago.
    All other older hominid fossils apart from Neanderthals probably from a near human or upright ape species.
  • Question:-What is the average lifespan of a human being?
    I am quite interested in how long people live, and it so happens that my only surviving grandparent, my mum's mum is 88, 89 in October. What is the average lifespan of a human being, for women, for men and for both averaged out?
    Is 88 over the average lifespan? Do a lot of people live to this age?

    Answer:-Overall: 78.06 years
    Male: 75.15 years
    Female: 80.97 years

    These values are for the U.S., please check the source for other countries. Not many people live to 88 years, and 88 years is well over the average span of 67years for the world.

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