Thursday, 26 January 2012

jan brewer

  • Question:-Will AZ Gov Jan Brewer ever apologize if the murderer of the Arizona Rancher turns out to be a US Citizen?
    Arizona's Governor Jan Brewer was quick to blame the murder of Robert Krentz on an illegal Mexican. She used this case to spark the controversy of asking for troops at the border. To this day, they still don't have any leads or witnesses. So if this murder ever turned out to be one committed by a US Citizen, would she ever apologize?

    Answer:-NO!.....if she can lie about her father's death, you can bet she'll keep lying about this case.
    AZ Gov. Jan Brewer lies ... about her father's death

    Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer is so upset that some have invoked Godwin's Law when discussing her state's new Latino ethnic cleansing law.

    "The Nazi comments . . . they are awful," she said, her voice dropping. "Knowing that my father died fighting the Nazi regime in Germany, that I lost him when I was 11 because of that . . . and then to have them call me Hitler's daughter. It hurts. It's ugliness beyond anything I've ever experienced."

    Compelling! Except that she's pulling a Mark Kirk.

    Gov. Jan Brewer said in a recent interview that her father died fighting Nazis in Germany. In fact, the death of Wilford Drinkwine came 10 years after World War II had ended.
  • Question:-is jan brewer a secret democrat given her recent efforts to destroy the republican party?
    given jan brewer's party affiliation and her rise in popularity with the anti-American faction of the republican party, it would appear obvious that her real goal is to destroy the GOP from within by anchoring the party down to values which have long been rejected by a more evolved America as decidedly un-American. what say you? is she sincere in her stupidity? or is this a plan to turn America and the world against the republican party?

    Answer:-When she was Secretary of State in AZ she managed to disqualify 100,000 registered voters with Hispanic names. (None of them were prosecuted for voter fraud.) She is intent on keeping Democrats from voting far more than she's trying to stop illegal immigration.
  • Question:-Why does Jan Brewer say decapitated bodies are always turning up in the desert, but the Coroner says other?

    Is Jan Brewer putting the bodies in the desert herself but they just haven't been found yet?

    Answer:-That's the Mexican side of the desert. We get burned bodies in alleys and fields here in Az.
  • Question:-Does it surprise anyone that Governor Jan Brewer of Arizona has had increasing poll numbers?
    since the Immigration debate went Viral and Obama decided to sue her state? Would it be to her advantage to invite Obama to another round of "WHO DO YOU LOVE"?

    A new Rasmussen survey of the Arizona governor's race is out this morning, and the results look good for Republican Gov. Jan Brewer. The poll shows Brewer up 56%-37% over Democratic state Attorney General Terry Goddard.

    Answer:-I'd want a governor who is willing to stand up to Obama, regardless of where I stand on the issue.

    The fact that I agree with her helps even more.
  • Question:-What would the 2012 election outcome be if Gov. Jan Brewer ran for president?
    The 2012 presidential debates would include questions. 0bama has thus far refused to take questions from the press for over one year. Bush was not afraid to take on the press like 0bama is. It seems that 0bama lives in a bubble and that his promise of transparency is yet one more 0bama lie, Would Gov. Jan Brewer obliterate 0bama in a presidential debate?

    What is your opinion?

    Answer:-She would be sworn in in 2013 as the first woman president! As she would have wiped the stage with 0bama during the debates
  • Question:-Is AZ Gov. Jan Brewer just making it harder for people to come here legally?
    The new law (SB1070) now makes it a felony to be here illegally, and one of the questions in the Visa process is if you have been convicted of a felony. If the answer is Yes, you are shot down immediately. So does that meant that Jan Brewer's plan is to keep more immigrants from coming here legally to?

    Answer:-That's the good ol' Republican plan. Deport and stop as many Mexicans as you can while ruining your own economy.
  • Question:-Should Arizona build a monument to Governor Jan Brewer?
    I think The State of Arizona should build a monment to Gov. Jan Brewer for meritorious service in public office. She fearlessly signed into law a bill which represents all Americans and stands firm to defend us against an illegal alien invasion from our southern border with mexico. We need a lot more Americans like Jan Brewer in Washington.

    Answer:-I think that a rational person like Jan Brewer should be elected for President of this country. It's about time someone put some dent into Political Correctness which is dragging down our country into backwaters.

    A monument is a type of structure either explicitly created to commemorate a person or important event or which has become important to a social group as a part of their remembrance of past events. And usually they are built to remember a person who has done so much for the country as a whole. The purpose of monuments is very often to impress or awe. In English the word "monumental" is often used in reference to something of extraordinary size and power. The word comes from the Latin "monere," which means 'to remind' or 'to warn.' But let's not be like a country like Iraq who build monuments to a living person (witness Sadam). A person has to be battle-tested in the national or international scene before we carve out monumental memories. People also change, but in death, the actions are sealed for posterity. Then that's the time we, the people decide if monuments are warranted.

    The hard working illegal is a lib media myth. If they were so hard working why is their home country such a turd world country? It panders only to our greedy corporations and people out to exploit cheap human labor. And we don't need a culture coming from farcical countries based on a violent, primarily uneducated culture that promotes misogynistic attitudes, primarily relies on priests to give direction to the community, as well as a culture that tolerates dishonesty in almost every form - actually downright encourages it. If they were not, do you not think that perhaps these countries where these illegals are coming from would be the shining star of North/South America?

    In the past, people waited for their time to come here based on the quota system allowance from their different countries. And US law required immigrants to learn English. There is not a single service then that was offered in another language enforced that law. Millions of people with different languages learned English and assimilated. AND we turned back thousands upon thousands of immigrants coming to Ellis Island, for many reasons based on the national interest. Have this changed for political correctness sake?

    We need more public officials who stand for the common good, people who look forward, not along the horizon event of this generation but for future generations. There is a big difference between a politician and a statesman. Along this divisional course, Brewer has the true promising lines of a stateswoman.
  • Question:-Why is it ok for Batman and Superman to take the law into their own hands, but not Jan Brewer or the AZ cops?
    Gotham City and Metropolis both have to deal with tons of crime and other problems, but the government / police are either too busy or too corrupt to deal with them. This is why Batman and Superman are both vigilantes who take the law into their own hands.

    Why can't Jan Brewer just disregard The Constitution and make her own laws for her state? I mean, sometimes you just have to forget the law / politicians, put on your cape, and save your people, right?

    Answer:-Batman was deputized by Commissioner Gordon. Or at least Gordon turned the other way when Batman was working.

    Superman could do whatever the hell he wanted. Who was going to stop him. He was Superman after all!
  • Question:-Do you think Jan Brewer - the Republican Governor of Arizona, just STUCK IT TO OBAMA real good?
    Obama called Brewer "misguided"

    Will JAN BREWER now become overnight presidential material ?

    JAN BREWER is she a hero for standing up the Obama Regime ?

    Answer:-For that idiot Mexican who's against the bill--f*ck him.
    I'm a Mexican--and I fully support this legislation.

    It keeps Arizona safe--no matter what race I am that is what I want for my beloved state.

    I support Governor Jan Brewer 100 percent.
  • Question:-A white guys shoots up people, and a Hispanic man is one of the Heros, what does Jan Brewer say now?
    Jan Brewer is constantly telling th world that Arizona is dangerous and only wants to focus on brown folks. So what does she say now?

    Answer:-Legal Hispanic man. No one has an issue with that.

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