Thursday, 19 January 2012


  • Question:-piracy....?
    lets say you use your aunts serial number for Photoshop CS2.. and it works. and she let you use it so technically its not stealing.. would that still be considered piracy?
    i would think considering she paid her money to purchase it she could use it in any way she wanted to. and share whatever information she has with a person she trusts. and by the way im not 12. im older than that.

    Answer:-Accordingto the Adobe web site, the OWNER of the program is allowed to download it to one other computer. For example a work computer and a home computer, or a home desktop and a home laptop.

    So, relax, you are not guilty of "piracy" as long as she gave it to you.

    One thing I don't understand, it says both computers can not use the software at the same time. I'm assuming that means you can not download updates at the same time on both computers, because if you're using the program off line, there's no way they can tell both are in use at the same time.
  • Question:-Piracy!?!?!?!?
    Would downloading free music and movies be considered piracy? from like limewire and stuf?

    Answer:-Yes. It's copyright infringement because the creator isn't being paid for their work. If you download a movie without paying for it, the actors, director, writer etc don't get paid. Same goes for music. And if you're caught you can be sued or face criminal charges.
  • Question:-Why is piracy good or at least what are the good points of piracy economically?
    I am not advocating piracy, but my social issues paper requires a counter-argument. Please list a source or your own personal opinions of who piracy is good economically. Please don't say "Piracy is bad... ect ect." I'm looking for its pros.

    Answer:-What you are really mean is the black market. Black Markets do well where there are embargoes, prohibitions and taxes. The advantage of unregulated trading is the fact that you usually pay less and can deal directly with the supplier. However, you do have to be careful. Piracy will never be wiped out completely because of human nature. That is why is just dumb to even try.
  • Question:-How much money did piracy cost businesses during the Golden Age of Piracy?
    I'm writing a research paper comparing the Golden Age of Piracy to Modern Maritime and Information Pirates but can't seem to find any kind of financial statistic from this time period. I need to be able to cite this so please include the website you found the information.

    Thanks so much!

    Answer:-It is a vague figure, and an accurate estimation is unabailable. So, just go to wikipedia. They will have an answer for you
  • Question:-What are your thoughts on piracy and the internet? The downloading of music and movies? ?
    What are your thoughts about piracy and the internet? The downloading of music, movies and software? What makes a good professional? A good computer professional? Im taking a class regarding this info and some input would be helpful.

    Answer:-the same as i think about pirating anything else . you never know whop or what you are dealing with and the after affects can come crashing along your shore any amount of time later . it shouldnt be considered stealing , after all its just another form of information or communication and if you can catch it on the wind its yours , or , ours .
  • Question:-What is you take on the morality of software piracy?
    Now most of us here at some point in their life have used pirated software. I would like to ask what is your take on software piracy? Its it really as bad as physical theft? Do you think DRM only seeks to annoy legitimate users? What do you think could be done to lower piracy rates? Insightful, intricate answers are appreciated.

    Answer:-Here is my take on software piracy.

    It is so ironic that when Vista was released Microsoft boasted that Vista would be almost impossible to pirate. In reality its just as easy to get a banshee copy of Vista as XP.

    For example purely as an exercise just after Vista had been released I downloaded a torrent of Vista Ultimate out of curiosity, expecting WGA failure, inability to install updates etc. etc. etc. I was amazed that it not only activated but accepted updates as well.

    So I wonder what happened to Microsofts claims as there are now more cases of piracy than ever, particularly in Asia where it has hit a huge scale where over a quarter of Vista installations are pirated.

    Myself I uninstalled the Vista I had downloaded as I stated it was purely an exercise, besides I don't believe in stealing. BUT you can't blame people for doing it as they can save themselves a sack full of dollars.

    I don't condone it, but I can understand why piracy so rife. As for getting caught UNLIKELY.

  • Question:-What is the best way to prevent piracy of my online book?
    I am interested in making a book available for online purchase and download. However, I am worried that it may be pirated and illegal copies distributed (or sold). Can you please suggest me the best and most cost effective way to digitally sign my book (or use some other method) to prevent its piracy as far as possible?

    Answer:-There is no way to prevent piracy, sorry. Once someone got their hands on a PDF or similar, expect to see it in the pirates world.
  • Question:-What can be done to prevent music piracy?
    I understand that any album released recently will be free forever due to internet sites etc. But is there not some kind of way to prevent future piracy?

    For example, on all digital releases, can't there be some form of (I use the term loosely) virus, that prevents and shuts down any one trying to pirate the album.

    What is the industry working on to cease this mass theft? Have there been any recent discoveries or ideas?

    Answer:-will the simplest cds in security r the audio cds
    so..even nero cacn't do anything bout it
    well i donno
  • Question:-How is Internet Piracy different than thieft?
    If Im caught stealing a CD from the store, odds are I will recieve a minimal fine or even simply pay for the CD. Internet piracy carries a penalty of thousands of dollars per song downloaded, which is obviously more signifigant than stealing a hard copy.

    Why the huge difference in penalties?

    Answer:-it used to be that i could buy a book and loan it to you and nobody gave a dam ... now in effect , they want to charge you for every person u let read the book as well as charge you each time YOU read it ... imo they just need to rethink the whole marketing strategy because their way of thinking about it and labeling 80% of the population criminals and pirates is archaic .. they need to move into the 21st century with the rest of us ...
  • Question:-What are the economic implications of ignoring enforcement of piracy?
    What are the economic implications of ignoring enforcement of piracy? Are intangible properties an asset, just as tangible assets, such as buildings and equipment? If so, why are they viewed differently? Explain.

    Answer:-lack of innovation and knowledge-based industries (electronics, pharmaceutical, movies, music, etc.)

    intangible properties are assets; they are different b/c they are much easier to steal.

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