Saturday, 21 January 2012

saul alinsky

  • Question:-How have the Saul Alinsky's rules for radicals become engrained at such a grassroots level among liberals?
    It seems that all liberals these days are coming from the Saul Alinsky school of thought as far as defaming and deceiving, to attack the opponent.

    Answer:-Progressive Liberal Socialists tactics of using lies, deception, cheating, defamation have been around before the 1930's ( Enabling Act anyone?? ) and when caught Progressive Liberal Socialists claim victim, claim frame up and lie their way out of it. Saul Alinsky (1971ish?) just wrote down the tactics practiced by the majority of Progressive Liberal Socialists because what happens when a liar lies to a liar? they get confused. the Progressive Liberal Socialist Democrat's plan is still being executed well; 1) take over American Education to spread Socialism, 2) take over American Press with those educated in Progressive Liberal Socialism, then 3) take over the States and Federal which like all governments begin as Socialist to Tax 'we the people' Capitalism.
  • Question:-Why isn't it a problem to American citizens that Liberals bible is Saul Alinsky book how to manipulate?
    That alone should concern any decent human being! The book is all about how to manipulate people and gain power using lies and manufactured CRISIS of the radicals.

    Obama actually TAUGHT classes - Room full of STUDENTS sitting a desks - all on that book SAUL ALINSKY RULES FOR RADICALS and thats just the facts.,r:14,s:38&tx=66&ty=58
    Here he is teaching them how to take down America- look at his chalkboard writtings!

    Answer:-That is you being ridiculous! But then your avatar says it all. Have YOU had any higher education? I thought not.

    My college education taught all sides of the story.....not just what the conservatives wanted taught. How else can a person make an educated decision if they don't have all the facts?
  • Question:-Does it make you nervous that Obama is a follower of Saul Alinsky?
    Saul Alinsky, the father of community organizing, taught his followers to bring revolution to America by working within the system. He dedicated his book Rules for Radicals to Lucifer, and believed that real revolution came from working within the system to overthrow it by getting people to hate America, capitalism, free speech, and freedom. He hated liberals and thought they were fools.

    There is a lot going on in Obama's mind that he does not tell Americans.

    Obama TEACHES Alinskyism.
    It is one of the primary reasons I didn't vote for him.
  • Question:-Will Obama uses Saul Alinsky book as his new American constitution?
    to form his version of new America? Saul Alinsky is basically writing that the best way to form a communist government is to destroy the middle class.

    Answer:-Yes, Obama uses Saul Alinsky's book. He wants to own and pick up the carnage that will be a beaten and dejected American populous - one that has held on to the Capitalism and the American dream. You know - “clinging to our guns and bibles”. Obama wants to beat down the American people - he wants to beat down the small business owner - he wants to take your money and give it to someone else - he wants to destroy our Constitution and all that it stands for. Obama is so out of touch with the American spirit that he actually thinks he can get away with all of his grandiose plans. But I believe there is a surprise waiting for him in the near future.

    After all is said and done Obama wants to be sure that each and every American is dependent on him and the government for all their needs. In his warped mind, this is how he thinks he can get and keep your vote. This is what his “utopia” is - as sad as that sounds. Obama has a bleak, dark vision of America. Remember, he wants to “fundamentally change America” for ever. He is trying but “We the People” MUST stop this freak in his path. o_O
  • Question:-How Many Democrats Use The Saul Alinsky Rule Book?
    The communist rule book by Saul Alinsky must be popular with democrats- Obama and Michelle have been caught many times quoting him.
    The main rule they use is attack the opposition constantly- They have all their govt controlled networks bash FOX news so their supporters will never learn the truth of their policies! I feel sorry for those people caught in their web!


    A right winger criticizing people for "always attacking".

  • Question:-Is the Lies About Fox News lies just another Rule out of the Saul Alinsky Radicals Book?
    So Saul Alinsky rules for Radicals says to demonize the opposition, says to call them racists- what other manipulative tactics does the leftists use?

    Answer:-I have no idea who Saul Alinsky is and neither do any of my friends. Most of us agree, however, that FoxNews is a giant Lie Factory.
  • Question:-Why Do Barrack And Michelle Quote Saul Alinsky So Much?
    Saul Alinsky says to control the media, and bash the opposition to get more power.
    On the day Obama was sworn in- the Obama's used Alinsky quotes in the speech. SCARY PEOPLE!

    Answer:-that sounds a lot more like Bush and the Republican Party. Without control of the media, there would have been no war in Iraq. In fact, Bush, used the media to sell his war. And the Republican Party, via Hannity, Limbaugh, Levin, and others, are in constant effort to bash the opposition.
  • Question:-what was the organization saul alinsky recruited cesar chavez for?
    doing a project for history fair about cesar chavez. we must include how he was recruited by saul alinsky but we do not remember what organization he was trying to recruit him for. help. :/

    Answer:-Actually, you have to go back a little. It was Fred Ross who was an IAF organizer in California who originally hired Cesar. The organization that Cesar was hired to work for was called The CSO (Community Service Organization.) I suggest that you get a copy of Sanford (Sandy) Horwitt's biography of Alinsky entitled "Let Them Call Me Rebel." The whole relationship between Fred, Cesar The CSO and Alinsky is laid out.
  • Question:-Why is the Liberal bible Saul Alinsky Rules for Radicals dedicated to Lucifer by Saul?
    Saul said Lucifer was the first real Radical, so dedicated his book to Lucifer. Now that book is like the Cult book for Liberals- does that make you think, maybe liberals are very dumb after all?

    Answer:-Lucifer is the archetype of freedom and intelligence.

    The Liberals reflect the outlook of Lucifer in wanting America to be free and educated.
  • Question:-Did you know that Saul Alinsky, the father of "community organizing" dedicated his book to Satan?
    This is no joke. Saul Alinsky who was the author of the book "Rules for Radicals" which is the bible of people like Barack Obama and other "community organizers" dedicated the book to Satan. Read on:

    Answer:-I did not know this, now when it comes up as a trivial pursuit question, I will have the right answer, thanks.

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