Friday, 20 January 2012


  • Question:-Whats the difference between DoD and DoJ security clearances?
    I just started a new job and must obtain not only a DoD secret security clearance, but a DoJ secret security clearance as well. I have a completely clean record, never have done drugs, never have even smoked a single cigarette... so I'm just wondering why I have to get two, what the differences are, and how the investigations will proceed.

    Answer:-DOD is department of Defense One of the Highest security Clearances.

    DOJ is Department of Justice All Judges and DA's must have DOJ Clearance
  • Question:-What will the Political ramifications of the botched Fast and Furious program be for the DOJ?
    It looks like the DOJ will be in a lot of trouble, I think this will end up being a Scooter Libby moment for the Obama Administration, where an aid will take the fall. What do you think?

    Answer:-Obama will just whip out another executive order exempting anyone associated with him from being prosecuted for any of the many, many, many failures and corruptions of his administration. Heck, he already bypasses the authority of Congress and the courts on a whim, why stop now?
  • Question:-How come my man announced that the DOJ wont defend the DOMA signed by Clinton?
    But then again the DOJ would not prosecute the black panthers for voter intimidation.
    I guess I just answered my own question.

    Libs please do as you always do and just avoid the question because as always, you dont have an explanation. But feel free to thumbs down all those who do have the answer to this question.

    Answer:-Well Obama has an agenda. Destroy America from the inside.
  • Question:-Why did the DOJ drop the charges on the New Black Panthers?
    The DOJ went after the Panthers, won the case and was ready to give the sentence. Then suddenly the DOJ under new Attorney General Eric Holder stepped in and dropped the case. What was the reason?

  • Question:-How long does it take for DOJ and FBI to complete live scan results.?
    I have submitted my LiveScan fingerprints more then 30 days ago. The DOJ sent back my results on the 15th, so about a month from i first sent them, but the Federal is not back yet. How much longer will I have to wait and how much longer after that will I receive my DRE License.

    Answer:-yuh dood i had 2 do taht 1s to so prtty much it took like mebbe like 2 week s longr den waytin 4 DOJ 2 do it good lucky lol
  • Question:-Why Not Stop Obeying Laws Like the President and DOJ and ICE and Claim They are UnConstitutional?
    The Wh and DOJ and ICE have set precedent for refusing to obey subpoenas, laws and immigration policies.

    So Let's Just Stop Being Law Abiding like our Leaders..and do whatever we want to?

    Is there foundation in their example to behave as they do?

    Answer:-Because they have more guns than I do
  • Question:-What happens to the hundreds of loonies, goonies and religious freaks that Gonzales pumped into the DOJ.?
    Hundreds of undereducated graduates from these third rate religious schools were pumped into the DOJ based of their dedication to the Bushbaby. Imigration judges were hired based on thir positrion on Rowe v Wade. What happens to these incopetant clowns now? Foes the new AG commit to replace them with competant people and restore the quality of the DOJ?

    Answer:-They will continue collecting their inflated salaries until we vote the Republicans out. Then the Democrats will put their loonies, goonies and religious freaks in(well, maybe not as many religious freaks, but incompetents nonetheless). You need to realize that sanity, intelligence and ethics no longer apply to politics.
  • Question:-The DOJ can override State decisions authorizing the use of medical marijuana, what is your position?
    While 16 States have some form of medical marijuana legislation authorizing its use for certain medical problems, the current Administration is allowing the Department of Justice to override the States' decisions. Many people have found relief where there was none before using marijuana and are now being forced to obtain their "medication" on the black market. Let's get Federal government out of State's decisions to do what's best for their citizens.

  • Question:-If on July 27th when the Arizona immigration law takes effect and the DOJ along with ICE refuses to?
    cooperate and deport the illegals arrested by the state, should the states on the border all sue the Federal Government and demand the arrest of the leaders of both the DOJ and ICE as traitors to the sovereignty of the states and the USA? When will the people all people realize what this administration is doing to this country?

    Before the Liberals start I asked the Bush administration to secure the Border also and they to refused to do so.

    Answer:-I recommend that if the Federal Government refuses to deport the illegal aliens that the illegal aliens be held in Sheriff Joe Arpaio's jail.
  • Question:-Who Saw Bob Sherman Look Ignorant in his Town Hall Sunday on TV, pretending he Had never heard about the DOJ?
    Dismissed black panther case when asked about it and his opinion about why the DOJ would do this?

    He played dumb and it was pretty lame.

    Are these the best and the brightest the democrats can hire for congress in their states?

    Answer:-The left are internally frustrated that their leader is so far out in left field he's alienating much of the independent vote he garnered when elected. They are also confused as to why the economy is so stagnant after spending trillions. So you see this more and more, these left wing senators and congressman lashing out when cornered on the issues, they have know answers and won't admit big government is the problem, exposing their true colors in the process. I think it's quite funny.

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